What Is A Natural Gas Hot Water System?

When you think of natural gas, you probably think about the gas in your furnace or the gas that comes out of your kitchen stove. You probably don’t think about it as something you can use to heat water in your home. But yes, natural gas is a great source of heat for many homes and businesses. Natural gas hot water systems are also known as gas-fired hot water heater units and are a staple in most homes today as it has several advantages over other heating sources like electricity, oil, or propane it is cleaner than those options, more efficient, and cheaper than most other options. It is also easily accessible with a network of pipelines across the country.

So what exactly is natural gas as it applies to home heating? Natural Gas Hot Water Systems are basically any system that heats water using natural gas instead of electricity or another fuel source. It works by sending hot air up through the radiators and into the room. The exhaust from this process is then used to heat water for whatever task needs doing at that time: washing dishes, taking a shower or cleaning the house. When it comes to using natural gas to heat water in your home, there are two primary options: gas hot water tanks and a natural gas hot water system. Which one is right for you? Let’s take a look…

How Does A Natural Gas Hot Water System Work?

Natural gas hot water systems use gas pressure to force a mixture of hot and cold water through copper pipes out to each room through a series of valves and smaller copper pipes called “traces.” The valves make it easy to stop the flow to each room when you want to clean the radiators or change out the filters.

Natural gas hot water systems are the most efficient type of gas-fired water heater available today at Parker Plumbing. The system works by taking cold water and mixing it with air that has been heated by the furnace. That mixture is then sent through a “combination” or “two-element” gas valve, which is connected to a gas meter. The combination valve mixes the cold water with the hot gas and then forces that mixture through the pipes in your house.

Why You May Want A Natural Gas Hot Water System

The natural gas system is the simplest and least expensive way to heat water. If you have access to natural gas and want to avoid dealing with propane or electrical systems, natural gas is a great option.

Listed below are some more advantages of using a natural gas hot water system.

Pros of Using a Natural Gas Hot Water System

  • Natural gas is very convenient. You can install it yourself or hire an Ipswich plumber to lessen the burden; you can get it almost anywhere and you don’t need to be plugged into an outlet like an electric unit would be.
  • Natural gas has very low emissions. It produces fewer emissions than oil and even fewer than propane.
  • Natural gas is cheaper than electricity. The cost of electricity can spike during the coldest months of the year and the electrical grid is often taxed to the limit. Natural gas prices tend to stay fairly steady all year long with no sudden hike due to increased demand.
  • Natural gas is efficient. The average natural gas water heater is about 50% efficient, which means that you’re only using half of the energy produced by your gas company to heat your water.

Why You May Want A Natural Gas Hot Water System

Little to no access to gas, may restrict you from using a natural gas hot water system, and you might want to opt for an electric water heater or a hot water system that uses a boiler to heat water. Boilers are often used in areas where there is no natural gas. They’re also popular in areas where it is difficult or dangerous to run gas lines, like New York City.

Listed below are some common issues associated with using a natural gas hot water system.

Cons of Using a Natural Gas Hot Water System

  • Natural gas is not always available. In areas where natural gas is the primary source of energy, it can be cut off during extreme weather events or other situations. You may also have to have your gas shut off completely in order to make repairs to your plumbing. You can mitigate this by installing a backup electrical water heater or a propane tank.
  • There are safety concerns. Natural gas is an odourless, colourless, flammable gas. If there is a leak, you probably won’t even know it. While there are safety devices on some gas systems, they are not fail-proof.
  • Natural gas can be costly to install. A natural gas line usually has to be run to your house and is not a cheap job.

How Do Natural Gas Hot Water Systems Work?

There are two types of natural gas hot water systems: the open-loop system and the closed-loop system. The open-loop system is more basic in design, while the closed-loop system uses principles of hydronic heat to warm the water.

The open-loop system uses a standard gas water heater connected to a series of pipes that run through your house. The water is heated by natural gas as it travels through the pipes to each room in your home. These open-loop systems have a high initial cost and a shorter lifespan than closed-loop systems.

Closed-loop systems use the same basic principles as open-loop systems, but the water is heated with a heat exchanger, which uses hot exhaust from the furnace to heat the water and then cools it before sending it back through the pipes. This process is more efficient than an open-loop system but also has a higher initial cost.

Speak with Local Plumbing Experts today

Natural gas hot water systems have the advantage of being affordable and easy to install. They are also very efficient and produce relatively little pollution. However, its flammability can be a serious hazard, especially if you have young children at home.

The best choice for you is to contact Parker Plumbing who can handle any hot water system installation Ipswich wide. Get a trained professional to install your natural gas hot water system safely and efficiently. Also, consider your location, budget, and personal preferences.

If you’re interested in installing a natural gas hot water system, be sure to contact Parker Plumbing and have a trained professional at your doorstep in no time. Parker Plumbing solar hot water systems are a good investment and will last you many years if properly maintained.

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